Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

hero terbaru gossen

New Hero Gossen - Holy Blade Mobile Legends

New Hero Gossen - Holy Blade Mobile Legends

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Find New Hero Gossen (in the advanced server) Lore, Stats, Price, Abilty, Gameplay and  Skills in Mobile Legends Bang Bang.

New Hero Gossen Lore

The Paxley family is one of the most powerful and prestigious magic families in the Land of Dawn, and each member is raised to become a mage of the finest order. In their eyes the path of the magician is the most sacred and noble vocation there is, and all those who brandish a sword in battle are merely weak, dim-witted fools. 

Gossen, however, is determind  to break the mold. The patriarch's fourth son, Gossen, exhibited a high affinity towards light elements at a very early age, but rather than spend to run laps of the family estate in mere minutes, and to imbue old ceremonial swords with powerful light energy. 

He Always believed that the family elders were incurably stubborn and rebelled againts their wishes at every oppurtunity. Finally, Gossen was given the chance to prove himself, when the time came for him to take the Paxley family's most important test -- a rite of passage into adulthood. 

With Gossen's Blistering speed in battle, his opponent was unable to lock onto his position, and with his light-charged blade, he claimed victory before his opponent even had a chance to launch a single spell.

The elders were in awe of his incredible form and fighting technique, but with their deep-rooted prejudice againts physical combat and their strict adhenrence to tradition, they gave Gossen two choices: to either abandon his fighting style or be banished from the family, Facing such adversity and unable  to control his independent nature.

Gossen chose to leave the family, convinced that soon the entire Land of Dawn would know his name and understand the true extent of his power.

Gossen - Holy Blade

Price32000 BP/419D

Gossen Stats

Physical Attack130
Physical PEN0
HP Regen52
Mana Regen16
Magic Power0
Magic RES10
Magical PEN0
Speel Vamp0
Movement Speed280
CD Reduction0
Attack Speed0.94
Crit Strike Chance2%

Gossen Skill

New Hero Gossen Skill
Dagger Specialist: Each Spellcast adds a rune to Gossen's dagger, After stacking  3 runes, the next basic attack will deal additional damage equal to 10% of the target's missing HP.

Skill 1: Sword Spike
Cooldown: 9.0 Mana Cost: 70
Throws a digger in the specified direction, dealing 200(+50%Total (physical ATK) physical damage to the first target hit. Use again to deal 200(+100% Total Physical ATK) physical damage to the target and reduce their movement speed by 40%.

Skiil 2: Shadowblade Salughter
Cooldown: 12.0 Mana Cost: 80
Throws daggers forward, each dealing 105(+50% Extra Physical ATK) physical damage to target hit. Use again to recall daggers, which deal 70(+30%Extra Physical ATK) physical damage to enemies hit ad they return. Returning daggers 20% increased damage to enemeies hit by the initial thriw, uop to 100%.

Ultimate: Incandescence
Cooldown: 28.0 Mana Cost: 100
Charges forward a short distance, immediately restting Sword Spike and Shadowblade Slaughter cooldowns, and gaining 30% movement speed for 4s. After resetting its cooldown, Shadowable Slaughter can be used to immediately throw 5 daggers, while using it again will rcecover 10 daggers

hero terbaru hanabi

hero terbaru mobile legend martis


As if the hero count has a limit, it doesn’t and the game will continue pumping up new heroes and here we have, Martis, the Ashura King. Keep reading until you find out about our newest hero in the game.

Martis  Skills, Abilities, and Background Story

Having clothed that caused a stir in a community is something of a hero but not only his clothes are controversial but so are his capabilities. First off, the clothing of Martis has pants and a vest but the vest barely blocked the genitals of Martis, causing an issue to the community that it is not very family-friendly. Other than that, he has a hair that really looks like Madara Uchiha from the popular anime, Naruto but instead of black it is white. His clothing also has some horn-like structure with him wielding double daggers.

His role will be Fighter but his specialty would be focused on reap/burst which may mean he may also be built into an assassin with that specialty. However, he is a very durable fighter and has a high offense too, very powerful if you ask me. He also has some dependencies on his skills and his somewhat difficult to wield but he can be mastered.

Ashura or Asura in the Japanese context means devil or demon, meaning, Martis is the Devil King and his motivations will surely be evil.
Hero Specialty: A fearless fighter who specializes in rushing into enemy formations to pick off low HP heroes.

Martis, Ashura King
Role: Fighter

Martis Attributes: 

Movement Speed: 260
Physical Attack: 128
Magic Power: 0
Armor: 25
Magic Resistance: 10
HP: 2738
Mana: 405
Attack Speed: 0.868
HP Regen: 35
Mana Regen: 16
Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
Ability Crit Rate: 0

Martis Background Story

The Shura clan have thrived in isolation for countless generations, their men renowned for being the world's bravest fighters, and their own women famed for being the world's greatest beauties. At the heart of the Shura clan's beliefs lies the legend of the Three Thousand Worlds.

The Legend speaks of three thousand secret worlds, which upon entering, one must face various levels of psychic trials and advance to the world after world upon victory.

The people of the Shura clan have discovered a way to enter these worlds, and only those who have conquered over three hundred worlds are granted the title of Shura, raising them to the level of a demigod in the eyes of their people.

However, in the innumerable eons of Shura history, none managed to conquer the fabled three thousand worlds, until Martis appeared. With ambition and determination capable of shaking the very heavens, Martis trained every day of his life to become stronger, tirelessly advancing through the secret worlds, each personal breakthrough against the legions of demons granting him a sense of unique personal satisfaction.

No one knows how many years passed before Martis reached the final secret world, but his defeats, he fell into despair, but even then, he refused to give up.

He transformed his sheer thirst for victory into twin blades of righteous fury, now known as the Ashur'as Teeth, and for countless days and nights, battled against the demons of the final world with strength and determination never seen before on the mortal plane.

He finally became the first Ashura to defeat the three thousand secret worlds and has since been regarded as 'King Shura', ruling tens of millions of aspiring Ashura.

Martis Skills and Abilities

His skills are very powerful and can deal a lot of damage if the enemy is not paying attention to Martis and has not built enough HP to withstand the damage. Here are the skills that Martis has:

Passive Skill
Ashura's Wrath
Each time Martis use a skill, the power of Ashura's Teeth will increase his attack speed by 15%, up to a maximum of 60%, Lasts 4 s.

This is an amazing skill for chasing down a lot of escaping enemies. The great thing is that if you have killed someone with your ultimate and it reset then you can kill off the remaining stragglers as long as you can kill them and not be killed as well.

Ashura Aura
Cooldown: 10.0

Martis focuses the power of the Ashura's Teeth to draw enemies in a fan-shaped area in front of him and attack them for 280 (100% extra physical attack) physical damage.

This is your CC skill, where you can gather all your enemies to ensure that they are in one spot for your second skill and your teammates to help you decimate them.

Mortal Coil
Cooldown: 10.0

There exists nothing between the between the heavens and earth, nor in the Three Thousand Worlds, that can resist the might of the Ashura. Harnesses the might of the Ashura's Teeth, blade of the underworld, to rain down unearthly judgment on his enemies, dealing 150 (+90% Total Physical Attack) physical damage and knocking them back. This skill can be used again, after a brief pause, to change forward, knocking up and dealing 200 (+150% Extra Physical Attack) physical damage to enemies along the way.

This will be your skill to make combos and kill them or lower their health for your ultimate to finish them off. This skill is very powerful and makes Martis’ rush through the enemy lines to pick on the weak and low health heroes such as mages and marksmen. Get this to ensure victory.
Cooldown: 36.0

All that lives must die; the only truth lies in emptiness. In the final secret world, only the true Ashura King shall emerge triumphantly. Charges to the designated enemy hero, dealing 500 (+100% Total Physical Attack) physical damage. If the target is below 50% HP, this skill will deal true damage. Killing a target with this skill will immediately reset its cooldown and increase your movement speed by 100% 5s (speed increase gradually decays over time).

This is your ultimate killing skill. Get those enemy heroes close to dying and use this and it will reset for a period of time to kill another one. You can easily get all 5 dead with the proper combination and timing. If you want that, get Martis now!

Martis Strategy


First, you need to gather the enemies with a first skill so that when an enemy hero gets caught, you can use your second ability to knock them up and deal more damage. Continue hitting it as long as you can and with the HP of a very low range, finish the kill with your ultimate.

Now with team fights, you can be the assassin and kill off the carries. Just make sure that your allies are behind you so you won’t deal a 1v5. As the fight starts, mark your enemy and go for the second skill until you reach it and damage it. Continue hitting it and finish it with your ultimate, find another squishy and deal with it as well. If there are escaping heroes, ultimate them if you can. You can be victorious in no time.

Martis Skin
Not yet available

That’s all we got for Martis, as the new hero we will see if he can make the other heroes bow down to his will, or fight and own him. For more updates on new heroes and the game, stay tuned!

uranus hero terbaru mobile legend

Mobile Legends Uranus

Mobile Legends just release a new tank hero named Uranus. Lore, skills, and stats are posted here.
Uranus, the Aethereal DefenderUranus, the Aethereal Defender, 499 diamonds, 24k battle points. Launch week discount 30%off.

Hero Specialty: Team-fighting tank with super strong regeneration skills.


Movement SPD: 260
Physical ATK: 115
Magic Power: 0
Armor: 20
Magic Resistance: 10
HP: 2689

Mana: 455
Attack Speed: 0.834
HP Regen: 32
Mana Regen: 12
Basic Atack Crit Rate: 0
Ability Crit Rate: 0

Uranus Background Story:

The Celestial Palace - Legend has it that this city floating above the skies of the Land of Dawn was once home to the Gods. It is also said that this mysterious place holds the key to ruling the world...

Eons ago, the ruler of the celestial place used the technological secrets of the  ancients to create Uranus, and commanded his creation to guard the city and wait for the emergence of a new ruler.

When scholars from the Land of the Dawn found and opened the gates to the Celestial Palace, the battle between the Dawn Zenith and the Dark Abyss quickly spead throughout the realm,  disrupting the quietude of the ancient city.

The two camps sought to occupy the Celestial Palace as a symbol of victory, their heroes unleashing the full extent of their power, and finally reaching an impasse.

The massive energy released througout incessant battles eventually awakaned the ancient city's defense system, and was converted directly into lighting power which fed and reawakend Uranus, who lay dormant in depths of the Clestial Palace.

Leave now, intruders! he roared upon awakening, and then charged to the battlefield, fueled by lightning, aether, and is now ready to fullfill his desiny.

His goal -- to expel these savage intruders disturbng the tranquility of the Celestial Palace.

Also read,

Uranus Abilities

Uranus RadiancePassive Skill - Radiance

Uranus absorbs the energy generated by attacks made against him to strengthen himself, regenerating 3-10 HP per second for each stack, over 8s. This effect can be stacked up to 20 times. Maximum stacks are increased to stacks at Lv. and stacks at Lv.

Uranus  Iconic OrbitFirst Skill: Iconic Orbit
Cooldown: 7.0 Mana Cost: 75

Uranus releases two energy spheres that orbit around him, dealing 125 (+30% Total Magic Power) magic damage to enemy targets while reducing their Physical Attack and Magic Power by 15%, and their movement speed by 40% for 2s. Each stack of Radiance increases damage dealt by 3%. Each energy sphere can only deal damage to the same target once.

Uranus Transcendent WardSecond Skill: Transcendent Ward
Cooldown: 12 Mana Cost: 80

Uranus generates an energy shield that absorbs up to 400 (+200% Total Magic Power) damage for 4, and grants him immunity to slow effects while increasing his movement speed by 30%. this shield deals 300 (+150% Total MAgic Power) magic damage to nearby enemies when broken, or at the end of this duration.

Uranus ConsecrationUltimate Skill: Consecration
Cooldown: 50 Mana Cost: 100

Uranus unleashes energy stored within his body to disable the designated enemy hero, dealing 150 (+80% Total Magic Power) magic damage while granting himself the radiance effect. After briefly disablong target, Uranus pulls himself and the target together, dealing additional magic damage.

Thats all for now for Uranus and the Game, for more updates Stay Tuned

Minggu, 21 Januari 2018

Kira-kira apa alasannya Grock Mobile Legends menjadi hero tank andalan para pemain saat ini? Yuk kita simak!
Damage yang Bikin Sakit!
Biasanya hero tanker tidak memiliki damage, tapi beda cerita dengan Grock Mobile Legends! Berbekal stats yang mumpuni, skill dari hero ini juga bila digunakan dengan tepat bisa menghabisi musuh dengan cepat!
Dengan seluruh skill aktif yang memberikan physical damage pada musuh, Grock tidak hanya keras namun juga pedas!
Bisa Kabur atau Masuk Dengan Cepat!
grock mobile legends
Sumber: jalantikus.com
Tank besar dan tidak lincah? Nanti dulu! Grock Mobile Legends sama sekali tidak terasa kaku dan justru sangat lincah! Kok bisa ya?
Bila kamu memanfaatkan skill ultimate-nya yaitu Wild Charge dengan benar, Grock bisa menerjang atau kabur dari peperangan dengan mudah!
Berbekal skill pasif-nya yaitu Ancestral Gift, Grock Mobile Legends juga bisa bergerak sangat cepat saat ia berada dekat turret atau tembok! Licin banget!
Bisa Ganggu Musuh dengan Mudah!
grock mobile legends
Temboj yang diciptakan oleh Grock. Sumber: youtube.com
Salah satu yang membuat Grock Mobile Legends menjadi salah satu tanker tangguh saat ini adalah karena kemampuannya untuk mengacaukan formasi musuh dengan cepat! Ya berbekal skill Guardian’s Barrier ia bisa membuat musuh kocak-kacir!
Skill tersebut memungkinkan Grock membuat tembok yang menghalangi pergerakan lawan! Bila digunakan dengan tepat seperti di sekitar chokepoint (celah sempit), maka skill ini dapat menutup jalan bagi musuh dan mengurung mereka dalam satu tempat!
Lebih kerennya lagi, skill ini juga memberikan physical damage bagi musuh lho!
Nempel Tembok Anti Mati!
Dari semua kelebihan yang disebutkan di atas, nampaknya masih belum benar-benar menggambarkan kelebihan Grock Mobile Legends yang dapat membuatnya jadi hero tanker nomor satu saat ini. Jadi apa sebenarnya kekuatan utamanya?
Kekuatan utama Grock Mobile Legends adalah skill pasifnya yaitu Ancestral Gift! Berbekal skill ini. Grock bisa bergerak lebih cepat dan juga lebih kuat saat ia berada dekat tower atau tembok!
Dengan tambahan 10 persen movement speed dan juga bonus magic dan physical defense yang tumbuh mengikuti level, Grock bisa jadi sangat menakutkan di awal game dan bisa dengan mudah menculik lawan!

build hero alucard

Build Allucard Mobile Legends kali ini akan membahas mengenai gear atau item yang dapat digunakannya untuk membunuh para hero musuh dengan mudah! Berbekal kekuatannya untuk bertarung sebagai Fighter, Allucard bisa jadi sangat berbahaya!
Dengan item, dijamin Allucar bisa bertahan dengan kuat selama ia tidak terkena nuke damage atau control skill seperti stun yang cukup lama! Penasaran? Yuk langsung saja kita bahas!
Bloodlust Axe
build allucard
Sumber, mobile-legends-hero
Item ini cukup krusial bagi para Fighter atau pemegang peran DPS. Selain memberikan tambahan physical damage yang cukup besar, tambahan cooldown reduction sebesar 10% juga sangat membantu untuk melakukan spam skill Whirling Smash!
Belum lagi tambahan efek Bloodthirsty yang memberikan restore HP setiap kali hero ini menciptakan kerusakan, membuat item ini sangat bermanfaat dalam build Allucard ini!
Magic Shoes
build allucard
Item selanjutnya dalam build Allucard ini adalah Magic Shoes! Kenapa Magic Shoes menjadi pilihan utama dalam build Allucard satu ini?
Alasan utamanya adalah efek cooldown reduction yang diberikan oleh Magic Shoes sangat cocok bagi Allucard yang tidak memerlukan mana untuk bertarung! Artinya ia bisa dapat lebih cepat mengeluarkan skill!
Rose Gold Meteor
build allucard
Tambahan physical damage, magic resistance, dan juga lifesteal dari item Rose Gold Meteor ini sangat cocok dalam build Allucard satu ini! Item ini menjadi penting menghadapi para Mage yang sedang metasaat ini!
Efek passive Lifeline yang memberikan shield saat HP sekarat juga sangat bermanfaat untuk buildAllucard yang mengharuskan dia bertarung adu hit dengan musuh!